
Andrew Pallant

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Using Social Media in Toastmasters Clubs

Physical Link: Using Social Media in Toastmasters Clubs

Recently I had lead a Social Media workshop. Specifically what social media is and how to us it your clubs.

Social media can help in your recruiting processes, education processes and in basic communication to members and non-members.
Social media can help with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as it creates more back-links to your site, creates more dynamic
content and keeps everything fresh and new.

The biggest challenge is the age gap. Social media is often used and used best by the younger generations. It is good to use
social media because to attract the younger generation as this keeps the balance between the “Old Guard” which has the experience
and the “New Blood” which gives the clubs a future.

Common Questions from the Workshop
1. How do you find the time?
– After work, After kids go to bed. Ask other club members to contribute

2. How do you come up with the content?
– Life and learning experiences
– Ask for contributors
– Repost a video, blog and pictures from another blog ( permission of course should be acquired )
– Tips and Tricks

3. I do not see the purpose! I tried it for work!
– Not every social media platform is good for you or your club. Find one that works.
– Engage people. If people are not engaged, there will be no value.
– Use it regularly
– Keep content fresh and relevant.

I have attached the slides for anyone interested.

Link To Slides

The post Using Social Media in Toastmasters Clubs appeared first on LDNDeveloper.

Categories: Community, Contributing, How To, Leadership, Social Media, Toastmasters

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