
Andrew Pallant

Software & Web Developer

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How a Social Media Can Damage A Company

Physical Link: How a Social Media Can Damage A Company

To read an additional blog with more stories go here additional reading.

Social media if used correctly can be good. If used incorrectly, can distract or damage your business’ reputation. Often what can go wrong is having a person with their own agenda rather than that of the business. Personal or in appropriate information can sneak into the companies social outlet and eventually bring down the professionalism. Inappropriate material such as videos, jokes or articles can distract or damage the reputation of the company. Reputation is everything.

Disclaimer: There are always exceptions to the rules. Find what works for you. If you are stumbling, review these points as they may help.

Spelling mistakes, grammar and misappropriation of material can also turn off a reader and in turn have the reader do business else where. Spelling and grammar mistakes is one major distraction that is easily preventable, but just as easily done.

Having content that is relevant is really key; however if the content has links that take the user to another site, or even a competitors site can and will most likely result in the loss of business. When clipping content or sharing content, be sure that some how you point links back to your site.

A Twitter friend we will call Mike, had pointed out that one or more companies use personal content to humanize their business. These are exceptions to the rules. Sometimes personal content can really help drive business. City Lights in London Ontario is one of these business that use personal content effectively. For an example: follow @CityLightsLondn on twitter and visit their store. You will see how it all works well.

There are always exceptions to the rule


  • Avoid links that take the reader away from your site
  • Avoid spelling mistakes
  • Avoid grammar mistakes
  • Avoid personal content
  • Avoid inappropriate content such as jokes, videos and stories
  • Avoid stealing content
  • Ensure content is inline with the business
  • Other reading – How Social Media Can Help Attract Business: click here

    The post How a Social Media Can Damage A Company appeared first on LDNDeveloper.

    Categories: Business, Social Media, Blog

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