
Andrew Pallant

     Senior IT Executive 

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Developers are Artists

Physical Link: Developers are Artists


Developers are artists with a unique canvas.

Some developers create code that is abstract and some create realism.

Treat the artist right and they can make it beautiful.

It is hard to know how to treat a software or web developer.  We can be odd and misunderstood.  At the end of the day all we really want is some appreciation.  We work hard to create something everyone will love.  Our code is as creative as some of the best art work.  We are constantly creating.  Anyone can code… A developer creates.  We create solutions to problems that are often difficult or not understood.  Poorly treated developers will create solutions with little love.  Do not yell… Do not throw stuff… Do not insult.  Respect is our motivator.

 Treat your developer right and you will have beautiful solutions.

The post Developers are Artists appeared first on LDNDeveloper.

Categories: Developer, Ideas, Personal Learning and Growth, Personal Thoughts

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