
Andrew Pallant

     Senior IT Executive 

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About Andrew Pallant

Physical Link: About Andrew Pallant

I am the Director of Research and Development ( R&D or Engineering ) at Doxim. My team creates FinTech solutions for Loan Origination and CRM. I have six teams comprising of about 43 developers worldwide, and we are all remote. I have some people in India and others in London, Ontario. I still code and architect solutions. I am just one person in the team with a slightly different role than the rest ( we are all important ).

I have been managing teams for about ten to fifteen years and working as a developer for over 20 years. I have experience in Customs Brokers, eCommerce, SaaS, FinTech and Factory Automation Companies. Each industry has its unique regulations, tech stack and customer experiences that I had to learn. In some cases, I gained the experience of managing hardware, servers, routers and entire IT departments. I have achieved a wide breadth of experiences in my 20+ years of experience.

I must admit much credit to Georgian College for setting me up with a solid base to start my career. A lot of credit goes to Doug Reed, the owner of Executive Publications, where he encouraged me to keep pushing in the early days when I felt over my head. All of my employers have fed my career, experiences and knowledge in many ways; I appreciate them all.

Find me on LinkedIn if you want to connect or learn more about me.

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