Social Media Workshop – January 2013

These are the slides from my workshop that I gave on January 12, 2013. We had a good group of questions and all sorts of wonderful questions.

Before I got started was asked:

Question: “I am a lurker…How do I filter out the noise?”

My Answer: “You do not have to follow everyone. Create lists that of people that you are interested in. Check that list daily. If you are graphical type person or you like a newspaper; there are services like “” that will read from a list and create a newspaper.
Continue reading Social Media Workshop – January 2013

Using Social Media in Toastmasters Clubs

Recently I had lead a Social Media workshop. Specifically what social media is and how to us it your clubs.

Social media can help in your recruiting processes, education processes and in basic communication to members and non-members.
Social media can help with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as it creates more back-links to your site, creates more dynamic
content and keeps everything fresh and new.

The biggest challenge is the age gap. Social media is often used and used best by the younger generations. It is good to use
social media because to attract the younger generation as this keeps the balance between the “Old Guard” which has the experience
and the “New Blood” which gives the clubs a future.

Continue reading Using Social Media in Toastmasters Clubs

Driving to Your Goals

Monday night at London Western Toastmasters, I gave a speech about getting the momentum going. It was geared to getting used to speaking, getting in front of the club and practicing. I had equated it to driving a 5 speed transmission car. When we start looking at our goal, we are stuck in neutral. Continue reading Driving to Your Goals