What is Jira Query Language (JQL)?

Jira Query Language (JQL) is a text-based query language used to extract specific data from the Jira database. Jira is a swamp of tickets that can weigh you down in the mud of ambiguity, but JQL can help you navigate once you know the syntax. With JQL, you can create structured queries to retrieve the desired issues based on various criteria.

Why Is JQL Essential?

  1. Search for Issues: Use JQL to search for issues based on project name, issue type, status, assignee, priority, and more.
  2. Operators and Functions: JQL supports a range of operators to compare values, combine conditions, and perform text matching.
  3. Agile Project Management: JQL is particularly valuable for agile teams, as it maintains clarity and alignment among team members and stakeholders.
  4. Quick Access to Information: JQL enables quick access to relevant information, allowing you to focus on essential tasks.
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