2014 Flash Back

2014 was a great year and I look forward to great and wonderful things in 2015.  The year was filled with lessons, opportunities and friends.  I cannot say much was wrong with 2014.  New adventures, opportunities and friends is what I hope for, but whatever the new year brings will be great with y’all!

Here is a little review of my year, but by no means is the complete 2014 adventure.

I hope everyone has an awesome year and I hope to do coffee with some of you!

Continue reading 2014 Flash Back

New Year – Fresh Start

2012 is a new year and for many, a fresh start.   I see 2012 as an opportunity to do something new, start fresh on other items and a chance to turn a new leaf.  Often, your colleagues, bosses and friends whom known you for a long time and will not allow you to turn a new leaf; Do it anyways!   Push forward in making yourself a better person this year.  Do not let others hold you back.  This is your chance to rid yourself of bad habits, learn something new, implement new ideas and grow as a person. Continue reading New Year – Fresh Start