Dynamically Load MVC Partials Using jQuery

Normally I do my examples in C#, but lately I have noticed a lack of VB.NET examples. Therefore, this example is in VB.NET.

I have searched long and hard to find a way to dynamically load MVC partials. I had tried to find a solution a few times, but quickly gave up. I figured there must be a way. Then I remembered how I used to create on the fly images using an HTML image control and simple URL to an ASPX page which served up the image ( another blog topic ). Through this latest realization and a little searching I have pieced together a working model. The piece I was missing was having the controller return a PartialView
. Continue reading Dynamically Load MVC Partials Using jQuery

Microsoft MVC vrs WebForms – What do you prefer

I recently had a lively discussion with a colleague over what is better Microsoft MVC or WebForms.  My friend had stated he liked MVC because it kept his code organized and clean.  He also stated that he has seen many WebForm projects that was just a mess of spaghetti like code.  My response was simple; It is all about developer discipline.  If the coder is well disciplined and refactored their work rather than just keep stacking on band aides and fixes, the code would be clean and organized.  I think it was said well “It is the latest craze!”. Continue reading Microsoft MVC vrs WebForms – What do you prefer