ChatGPT to Create Acceptance Criteria

Today’s Learning

Today, I took a business requirement and put it into ChatGPT. I created a couple of simple prompts. The first prompt created acceptance criteria to make the software developer successful. The second prompt was to create test cases.

Surprisingly enough, it generated some pretty accurate results.

Continue reading ChatGPT to Create Acceptance Criteria

A Quest to Learn AngularJS

I recently got excited about AngularJS.  I took a pretty good course through CodeSchool for which you can find a link off of the AngularJS home page.  Since then I had been playing with and scouting out AngularJS ideas that I can build something with worth while.  There is no better way to learn than by doing.  Then I thought; what about the weather?  I had already built a real basic weather page using ASP.NET and C#, I wonder how hard it would be to build an AngularJS example.  I did not know how to connect AngularJS to a web service though.  Google has everything! So I looked for an example of AngularJS and OpenWeatherMap for which I had found.  It did not take long to find my solution.

My Original Weather Page:

My Angular Weather:
Continue reading A Quest to Learn AngularJS