A Comprehensive Guide for Support Managers


Being a new support manager or suddenly finding yourself responsible for the success of a support team is a little unnerving. There are plenty of resources online, but here is a summary of things I have learned while running a support team. I hope everyone else finds this helpful. Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn with your questions or concerns or even to be mentored; I love meeting new friends.

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Balancing Onshore and Offshore Engineering Teams


In today’s globalized world, many companies leverage onshore and offshore engineering teams to optimize resources and maximize productivity. However, striking a balance between these teams and ensuring their success can be challenging. As a VP of Engineering, I’ve learned a few strategies that can help.

Balancing Onshore and Offshore Teams

  1. Clear Communication: Establish clear communication channels and regular meetings across all teams. This ensures everyone is aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.
  2. Defined Roles: Clearly define each team’s roles and responsibilities. This helps avoid confusion and task overlap.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity: Understand and respect the cultural differences within your teams. This fosters a positive working environment.
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