February Recap – jQuery Made Simple

February is a month that I made jQuery made Simple examples that helped me at to my library and hopefully will help you.  I typically try not to use jQuery libraries or plugins as I feel it is often easy enough for me to do quickly and allows me stretch my creativity and increase my skill-set.  I fee it is important to practice or you loose it.

You may use all of my examples free with no strings attached.

All of my examples use no additional libraries or plugins.  Just basic jQuery!

Here are the examples created in February: Continue reading February Recap – jQuery Made Simple

jQuery Folder Tree Menu

Folder MenuToday I thought that I would put together a simple jQuery folder menu for myself to use in projects to come.  It is easily modified,   easy to create dynamically and easily styled.  The jQuery script portion is rather simple and has been tested on Chrome, FireFox and IE. This is another step in the direction of building a base library of scripts for me to use.

Download full Sample Code: http://www.unlatched.com/sample/foldertree/FolderView.htm

Run Sample Code:  http://www.unlatched.com/sample/foldertree/foldertree.zip
Continue reading jQuery Folder Tree Menu

Simple jQuery Menu

Now days it seems that there is a plug-in for almost any jQuery task.  The trouble with plug-ins is that they are often not flexible enough and the designer / developer who is using them is not practicing developing their own solution.  It is too easy to Google for a plug-in to do the job.  Googling for the correct solution may take just as long as creating one yourself.   Do not take me wrong; I use plug-ins, but I use plug-ins when it is a more complicated solution and not worth my time or it is just a one-off solution. Continue reading Simple jQuery Menu