Starting a WebForm Project

    I started working in the DotNet while it was in the Beta stage. Ewe Beta! Since then I discovered there is more than one way to tackle a start of a project and I have perfected it for my purpose.

    I would suggest starting with an empty project rather than letting Microsoft build you one. By you creating an empty project you are able to control what goes in it. The “Web Forms”template that Microsoft offers has so many files and structure that you would likely not even use.
    Continue reading Starting a WebForm Project

Last is King – Back To Basics CSS

CSS is the basics of HTML styling, but I am finding out that somehow it is missed. It’s hard to be a Web Designer without knowing how CSS style sheets work. For those who do not know, CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheets. If you can picture a waterfall, that is basically how CSS works. Continue reading Last is King – Back To Basics CSS

Posting Data From HTML to ASPX

Recently I had a need to have a web site post credentials to another web site.   The first site was standard HTML and the second site was DotNet (ASP.NET).

In this example, we will be passing a user name and password to another site.

Sending Web Site
In your sending website, you will need a log in  panel similar to the one below.


Receiving Web Site
In the form load of your DotNet (ASP.NET) site, you will need the following code to get the values from the request object and then pass to your log in routine.

                NameValueCollection nvc = Request.Form;
string userName = "";
string password = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["txtUserName"]))
userName = nvc["txtUserName"];

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["txtPassword"]))
password = nvc["txtPassword"];

ExecuteLogin(userName, password);

HTML Centering DIV Tag ( DIV Element )

The easiest way without JavaScript to center a DIV tag is to use a style tag or css that resembles the following.

style=’padding:5px;width: 400px;height:200px; margin-top:-100px; margin-left:-200px; left:50%;top:50%; border:outset 1px #ccff99; background-color:#ccff99;position:absolute;font-weight:normal;’

Sample Image