About Andrew Pallant

I am the Director of Research and Development ( R&D or Engineering ) at Doxim. My team creates FinTech solutions for Loan Origination and CRM. I have six teams comprising of about 43 developers worldwide, and we are all remote. I have some people in India and others in London, Ontario. I still code and architect solutions. I am just one person in the team with a slightly different role than the rest ( we are all important ).

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Clean Your Desk and Your Office To Stay Focused

A Clean Desk Is a Clear Mind. How can you be productive with a messy desk? Than answer is you cannot! A messy desk is a major distraction to you. A messy room is even more of a distraction. It inhibits your focus that you are trying to apply to your work. Continue reading Clean Your Desk and Your Office To Stay Focused

Do Not Forget The Customers

New developers often design and develop what they believe is cool and cutting edge.  What is forgotten is how the customer or the user will think about the experience.  If the customer or user refuses to accept what you have built, you have just wasted time and money.  Potentially you are out of business. Continue reading Do Not Forget The Customers