Facepalm – Do Not Rehash

Facepalm – Do Not Rehash!

Too many companies these days have a social media person on staff. This social media person is often a person who has been in some form of Journalism or Marketing and fell into the positions of Social Media Manager. This is not a blog entry to bash the social media person, but to open the eyes of the companies who are hiring these people. Companies should be feeding their Social Media Managers their experiences. Social Media Managers should be seeking the experiences from their surroundings.

Facepalm Definition:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facepalm Continue reading Facepalm – Do Not Rehash

How a Social Media Can Damage A Company

To read an additional blog with more stories go here additional reading.

Social media if used correctly can be good. If used incorrectly, can distract or damage your business’ reputation. Often what can go wrong is having a person with their own agenda rather than that of the business. Personal or in appropriate information can sneak into the companies social outlet and eventually bring down the professionalism. Inappropriate material such as videos, jokes or articles can distract or damage the reputation of the company. Reputation is everything.

Disclaimer: There are always exceptions to the rules. Find what works for you. If you are stumbling, review these points as they may help.
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