5 Essential Elements for a Successful Software Roadmap

Creating a successful software roadmap is akin to charting a course for a ship. It guides the team toward their goals, ensuring they stay on track and reach their destination. For engineers, a well-crafted roadmap is essential to meet targets efficiently. Let’s explore the five key elements that contribute to a successful software roadmap:

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Copilot to Write ScriptRunner Scripts

When it comes to scripting, I’ve picked up a few tricks to boost my productivity. First off, time management is my secret weapon. I allocate specific chunks of time for different tasks, ensuring I stay focused and efficient. It’s like having a well-organized toolbox—I know exactly which tool to grab when I need it.

Now, let’s talk about my trusty sidekick: Copilot. Picture this—it’s like having a coding buddy who finishes your sentences. When I sit down to write a script, I engage in a collaborative thought dance with Copilot. I describe what I want to achieve, and Copilot responds with detailed code snippets. It’s like brainstorming with an AI genie—rub the lamp, state your intent, and voilà!

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Running Onshore and Offshore Development Teams – A Guide for Vice Presidents of Engineering

As a Vice President of Engineering, managing both onshore and offshore development teams can be both challenging and rewarding. Balancing the benefits of cost savings and access to global talent with the complexities of communication and cultural differences requires strategic leadership. In this blog, we’ll explore best practices for successfully running onshore and offshore teams, ensuring seamless collaboration and project success.

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Andrew Pallant – A Strategic Leader in Engineering


In the dynamic landscape of technology, effective leadership is crucial for driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and achieving organizational goals. As a Vice President of Engineering, I have had the privilege of witnessing Andrew Pallant’s remarkable journey—a journey that exemplifies technical excellence, strategic vision, and unwavering commitment to customer success. In this article, we’ll explore Andrew’s impact, his role in shaping engineering teams, and the principles that guide his leadership.

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Open Banking in Canada – What You Need to Know

Unlocking Financial Freedom and Choice

Have you ever wished for a more convenient way to manage your finances? Imagine having control over your financial data, seamlessly accessing innovative services, and making informed decisions—all while keeping your information secure. Welcome to the world of open banking!

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ChatGPT to Create Acceptance Criteria

Today’s Learning

Today, I took a business requirement and put it into ChatGPT. I created a couple of simple prompts. The first prompt created acceptance criteria to make the software developer successful. The second prompt was to create test cases.

Surprisingly enough, it generated some pretty accurate results.

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Taking Time to Grow

Happy New Year! I hope 2022 is all that much better than 2021.

Taking Time to Grow is not something that comes easily or naturally. So many of us will fill our days with meetings, phone calls and other essential tasks. If you are like me, you will block off time and give it up for others looking to book time. The latter is not suitable for personal growth.

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Importance of Building Internal Tools

I recently sat through a few meetings where we described doing the same thing many times and in the same way. I was seeing a pattern that could be automated. Since seeing a pattern, I began to think about tools I could build that would replace these repetitive multiple step processes.

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Why a Process is Important

A Software Development Perspective

A process is important as it creates an expectation of an outcome. Outcomes can measure a process and result in different ways making the process essential to follow. Without a strategy, we will not confidently be able to measure. Without measurement, we will not know we are doing something correctly.

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