A Comprehensive Guide for Support Managers


Being a new support manager or suddenly finding yourself responsible for the success of a support team is a little unnerving. There are plenty of resources online, but here is a summary of things I have learned while running a support team. I hope everyone else finds this helpful. Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn with your questions or concerns or even to be mentored; I love meeting new friends.

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Open Banking in Canada – A Comprehensive Guide

What is Open Banking?

Open banking is a system in which banks and other financial institutions allow third-party companies (like phone applications) to access your financial data securely and only with your consent. CTV News reported in March to expect an announcement on April 16 as part of the budget release. The Department of Finance wrote that the adoption of the government framework could be done by 2025. My Fingers Are Crossed!

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Embracing Omnichannel with a CRM for Financial Institutions

Omnichannel Platform and Its Importance for Financial Institutions

An omnichannel platform is a customer-centric approach that integrates all channels to provide a unified and consistent experience whether customers are at a physical store, using an app, or on a website. It aims to create a seamless shopping experience across all in-store, mobile, and online channels.

An omnichannel platform allows financial institutions to integrate all these channels, ensuring customers enjoy a unified and consistent experience. It also provides financial institutions valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and trends, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.

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Balancing Onshore and Offshore Engineering Teams


In today’s globalized world, many companies leverage onshore and offshore engineering teams to optimize resources and maximize productivity. However, striking a balance between these teams and ensuring their success can be challenging. As a VP of Engineering, I’ve learned a few strategies that can help.

Balancing Onshore and Offshore Teams

  1. Clear Communication: Establish clear communication channels and regular meetings across all teams. This ensures everyone is aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.
  2. Defined Roles: Clearly define each team’s roles and responsibilities. This helps avoid confusion and task overlap.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity: Understand and respect the cultural differences within your teams. This fosters a positive working environment.
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A Data Architect’s Guide to Database Design and Management


Designing and managing databases is a critical task in data architecture. This blog post aims to provide insights into various aspects of database design, hosting, security, scalability, and the use of data for machine learning or AI.

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Crafting a Successful Software Development Roadmap – A Guide for Product Managers 


As a product manager, one of your key responsibilities is creating and managing the software development roadmap. This strategic document serves as the guiding light for your development team, outlining your product’s vision, direction, and priorities over time. But how can you ensure your roadmap succeeds with developers and the business? This blog post explores best practices for planning, engaging, measuring, reviewing, and communicating your software development roadmap. 

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Secure Software Development Life Cycle – Best Practices 

Security has become a paramount concern in the rapidly evolving world of technology. As developers, we must ensure our applications are secure from the ground up. Here are some best practices for a secure software development life cycle (SDLC): 

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JIRA Product Discovery vs Aha!


Two tools have emerged as leaders in product management: JIRA Product Discovery and Aha! Both offer robust features for tracking roadmaps and managing the software development lifecycle. However, they each have unique strengths that may make one a better fit for your business needs. 

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Crafting a Corporate Security Policy for AI in the Workplace

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of many businesses in today’s digital age. However, with the increased use of AI, it’s crucial to have a robust corporate security policy in place. Here are five key considerations when crafting such a policy:

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Evaluating AI – Top 5 Security Considerations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in many industries, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and growth. However, as with any technology, it’s essential to consider the security implications when evaluating the use of AI. Here are the top five security considerations:

  1. Data Privacy: AI systems often require access to vast amounts of data, including sensitive information. Ensuring that this data is handled securely and in compliance with privacy laws is paramount.
  2. Robustness of AI Models: AI models should be robust against adversarial attacks where small, intentionally crafted changes to input data can lead to significant errors in output.
  3. Secure AI Development Lifecycle: Security should be integrated into every stage of the AI development lifecycle, from the initial design to the deployment and maintenance stages.
  4. Explainability and Transparency: Understanding how an AI system makes decisions can help identify potential security risks. AI systems should be transparent and provide clear explanations for their choices.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the industry and region, different regulations may apply to the use of AI. Ensuring compliance with these regulations is a crucial security consideration.
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