Crafting a Successful Software Development Roadmap – A Guide for Product Managers 


As a product manager, one of your key responsibilities is creating and managing the software development roadmap. This strategic document serves as the guiding light for your development team, outlining your product’s vision, direction, and priorities over time. But how can you ensure your roadmap succeeds with developers and the business? This blog post explores best practices for planning, engaging, measuring, reviewing, and communicating your software development roadmap. 

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Which Web Tools – When and How Much

I cannot say enough about learning which tools use when. It is only through experience will you ever learn this discipline. I have learned when to use a handful of tools and how often. I have also learned that sometimes there is overhead that can make your projects bloated; therefore, I often create my own ( although some may argue against it).
Continue reading Which Web Tools – When and How Much

Simple JS Dialog

Keeping in the spirit of using my blog as a quick code repository; sometimes you just need a simple easy to implement dialog box. I have been using the following routine for sometime now. Sometimes you just need a simple piece of code to get the project done. This although is very simple, it does the job perfectly. It is not how I often style it, but you can figure that out.

See Working Copy: view & try Continue reading Simple JS Dialog


Have you ever wanted a function to convert HTML to PDF? It is really easy. A good use of this is when you have a resume on your website and you want to create a download of it as a PDF. Mind you; you will have to properly format your resume so it looks good in both cases. Not the easiest job, but totally worth while to have a resume download created on demand. Continue reading HTML to PDF

The Story of C# Meeting AngularJS

Most of you already know that I still like my WebForms. People have argued that using AngularJS with WebForms is pointless, but I say NA! It makes the user experience a little bit smoother.

In this blog I will show you how to create a table that can be sorted and paged using AngularJS. I chose not to use a webserivce as I did not feel like this warranted the extra overhead and code. I wanted to keep this absolutely simple. I would have used a webserivce had I been creating an API for others to use. This is also a project that is ultimately using WebForms, had I been doing an MVC project; webservices would have been a better choice.

Is this the best way; probably not! This is my first run with this, so I am doing it the way I know and the way I find the easiest to manipulate for my purpose.
Continue reading The Story of C# Meeting AngularJS

A Quest to Learn AngularJS

I recently got excited about AngularJS.  I took a pretty good course through CodeSchool for which you can find a link off of the AngularJS home page.  Since then I had been playing with and scouting out AngularJS ideas that I can build something with worth while.  There is no better way to learn than by doing.  Then I thought; what about the weather?  I had already built a real basic weather page using ASP.NET and C#, I wonder how hard it would be to build an AngularJS example.  I did not know how to connect AngularJS to a web service though.  Google has everything! So I looked for an example of AngularJS and OpenWeatherMap for which I had found.  It did not take long to find my solution.

My Original Weather Page:

My Angular Weather:
Continue reading A Quest to Learn AngularJS

Starting a WebForm Project

    I started working in the DotNet while it was in the Beta stage. Ewe Beta! Since then I discovered there is more than one way to tackle a start of a project and I have perfected it for my purpose.

    I would suggest starting with an empty project rather than letting Microsoft build you one. By you creating an empty project you are able to control what goes in it. The “Web Forms”template that Microsoft offers has so many files and structure that you would likely not even use.
    Continue reading Starting a WebForm Project