Which Web Tools – When and How Much

I cannot say enough about learning which tools use when. It is only through experience will you ever learn this discipline. I have learned when to use a handful of tools and how often. I have also learned that sometimes there is overhead that can make your projects bloated; therefore, I often create my own ( although some may argue against it).
Continue reading Which Web Tools – When and How Much

How a Developer can Mitigate Stress of a Designer

Working with a designer and can be a challenge as a developer as we are totally different mind sets.  Working with a designer as a DotNet developer can be even more of a challenge, but there can be a simpler way.  DotNet can be absolutely daunting to a designer who is used to working with HTML or PHP, but using your designer as you build your application will make things easier for everyone.

If I have my way; I like to work with the design first and then do my coding as this provides the best results and the least stress for everyone involved.

Continue reading How a Developer can Mitigate Stress of a Designer

Microsoft MVC vrs WebForms – What do you prefer

I recently had a lively discussion with a colleague over what is better Microsoft MVC or WebForms.  My friend had stated he liked MVC because it kept his code organized and clean.  He also stated that he has seen many WebForm projects that was just a mess of spaghetti like code.  My response was simple; It is all about developer discipline.  If the coder is well disciplined and refactored their work rather than just keep stacking on band aides and fixes, the code would be clean and organized.  I think it was said well “It is the latest craze!”. Continue reading Microsoft MVC vrs WebForms – What do you prefer

February Recap – jQuery Made Simple

February is a month that I made jQuery made Simple examples that helped me at to my library and hopefully will help you.  I typically try not to use jQuery libraries or plugins as I feel it is often easy enough for me to do quickly and allows me stretch my creativity and increase my skill-set.  I fee it is important to practice or you loose it.

You may use all of my examples free with no strings attached.

All of my examples use no additional libraries or plugins.  Just basic jQuery!

Here are the examples created in February: Continue reading February Recap – jQuery Made Simple

jQuery Folder Tree Menu

Folder MenuToday I thought that I would put together a simple jQuery folder menu for myself to use in projects to come.  It is easily modified,   easy to create dynamically and easily styled.  The jQuery script portion is rather simple and has been tested on Chrome, FireFox and IE. This is another step in the direction of building a base library of scripts for me to use.

Download full Sample Code: http://www.unlatched.com/sample/foldertree/FolderView.htm

Run Sample Code:  http://www.unlatched.com/sample/foldertree/foldertree.zip
Continue reading jQuery Folder Tree Menu

Simple jQuery Menu

Now days it seems that there is a plug-in for almost any jQuery task.  The trouble with plug-ins is that they are often not flexible enough and the designer / developer who is using them is not practicing developing their own solution.  It is too easy to Google for a plug-in to do the job.  Googling for the correct solution may take just as long as creating one yourself.   Do not take me wrong; I use plug-ins, but I use plug-ins when it is a more complicated solution and not worth my time or it is just a one-off solution. Continue reading Simple jQuery Menu

SEO Analysis – Turning a Large Ship Around

Sometimes it is like turning a large ship around; SEO can be hard to turn around if the site is degraded.  You need time and room to work.  Most importantly you need to have a plan.

I have been working very hard for one of my clients to turn their site around.  There is no budget for any SEM; so it is purely site structure and other basic SEO practices.

I began with some SEO Analysis using several free tools, some code, speed and structure reviews and some client interviews of where they would like to take it.

Continue reading SEO Analysis – Turning a Large Ship Around


SEO – Mobile – Web – Social Media –

These are technologies and concepts that need to be utilized in everyday business life. Just because you have been doing the same thing for the past dozen years does not mean it will work for the next dozen years. You have a story to tell and SEO, Mobile, Web and Social Media are the concepts and technology that can help you bring life back to your story. Continue reading Cha-Cha-Changes