What Languages do I Use

I was recently asked what I use to develop software and websites. I mostly use DotNet Technologies as it is often interchangeable between websites, web applications and desktop applications. I can often use the same data access classes and business logic between multiple platforms. I find that DotNet allows me to easier structure objects visually and logically.  I prefer to develop using C-Sharp, but I get requests to use VB.NET and J-Sharp on a regular basis.

When I went to college, I had learned C, Pascal, COBOL and some Mainframe language that I cannot remember.  Upon graduating I taught myself VisualBasic 3, RPG.  My first programming job was Visual COBOL.  I had created a company in the Caribbean Islands programming public utility and insurance software in RPG.   I can honestly say since I sold my shares of the company, I cannot foresee myself developing in RPG again.

Why don’t I use PHP?  Well I do use PHP, but for specific purposes and upon request by a customer. A specific purpose is when I create a WordPress site or other content driven sites. I will not often create a website or web application from scratch using PHP as Microsoft made ASP.NET easy for rapid development.

Do I use JAVA? Yes; I do believe there are cases where JAVA is still relevant. JAVA is still a good tight platform for developing small single purpose applications.  I have used JAVA 3 times in the past 2 years for applications that I believe fit the bill well.

Now, I am curious;  What do you use and why?

Excel Interop Used In Web Service

If you are using the Excel Interop in a web service or even a web page you may get the following error.


Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005.

Generally speaking you probably should not be trying to use the Excel application from a web services or web page for security reasons; however, for my purpose I needed to do some manipulation at the server level. If you must use the Excel interop at the server level you can use the following to get around the error. Just be careful as you may be opening a security nightmare by possibly allowing remote access to it by viruses or other rogue services.


goto Controlpanel –>Administrative tools–>Component Services –>computers –>myComputer –>DCOM Config –>Microsoft Excel Application.
right click to get properties dialog. Goto Security tab and customize permissions accordingly.
In Launch and Application Permissions, select Customize, Edit. Add the user / group that calls the application.