Podcasts I Follow

These are the Podcasts I follow and listen to most often. They range from business, design and general interests. They are not ranked in an particular order, but my favourite is James Altucher and Jordan Harbinger. I would challenge everyone to listen to one or both of these regularly. Continue reading Podcasts I Follow

7 Soft Skills That Senior Developers Should Have

Developers often ask what they need to do to make it to the level of a senior developer. They can gain all the programming skills in all the popular and new software frameworks, but they will not be anything more than just a developer. A Senior Developer needs to have some fundamental soft skills.

What are soft skills?
Soft skills are how you interact with people, tasks and projects where hard skills are the skills we learn at college, online tutorials or books ( “HOW TO DO” skills ). Soft skills are tough to achieve and are often part of a persons natural tendencies. Soft skills like hard skills can be learned, but not easily. Soft skills can get better through practice and time just like hard skills. An example of hard skills is carpentry. An example of soft sills is a skill that is transferable to any job like being a team player.
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Social Media Workshop – January 2013

These are the slides from my workshop that I gave on January 12, 2013. We had a good group of questions and all sorts of wonderful questions.

Before I got started was asked:

Question: “I am a lurker…How do I filter out the noise?”

My Answer: “You do not have to follow everyone. Create lists that of people that you are interested in. Check that list daily. If you are graphical type person or you like a newspaper; there are services like “Paper.li” that will read from a list and create a newspaper.
Continue reading Social Media Workshop – January 2013