Andrew Pallant – A Strategic Leader in Engineering


In the dynamic landscape of technology, effective leadership is crucial for driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and achieving organizational goals. As a Vice President of Engineering, I have had the privilege of witnessing Andrew Pallant’s remarkable journey—a journey that exemplifies technical excellence, strategic vision, and unwavering commitment to customer success. In this article, we’ll explore Andrew’s impact, his role in shaping engineering teams, and the principles that guide his leadership.

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Taking Time to Grow

Happy New Year! I hope 2022 is all that much better than 2021.

Taking Time to Grow is not something that comes easily or naturally. So many of us will fill our days with meetings, phone calls and other essential tasks. If you are like me, you will block off time and give it up for others looking to book time. The latter is not suitable for personal growth.

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Why a Process is Important

A Software Development Perspective

A process is important as it creates an expectation of an outcome. Outcomes can measure a process and result in different ways making the process essential to follow. Without a strategy, we will not confidently be able to measure. Without measurement, we will not know we are doing something correctly.

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New Year is a Time to Have a Retrospective

New Year is a time to reflect on the passing year. If you are like me; you will have experienced many changes and challenges throughout 2019. I like to take time every January to reflect on the passing year and make goals and challenges for myself. One way to reflect is by using the retrospective idea used in agile software development processes. Continue reading New Year is a Time to Have a Retrospective

Developer Engagement

I was throwing ideas around in how to increase our developer engagement. I was also thinking of a way to give our product development a little boost. I love the developers that I work with and would like to support their passions and boost their care for their jobs.

One idea I had was to take a day or two a month and let developers work on a pet project. The only caveat was that the pet project had to be related to the company somehow. Continue reading Developer Engagement

Which Web Tools – When and How Much

I cannot say enough about learning which tools use when. It is only through experience will you ever learn this discipline. I have learned when to use a handful of tools and how often. I have also learned that sometimes there is overhead that can make your projects bloated; therefore, I often create my own ( although some may argue against it).
Continue reading Which Web Tools – When and How Much

Achieving Order in Chaos

Trying to streamline things at work and make it so we are producing higher quality code I have learned a few things. Mind you I have only been in my new position for a few weeks, but already I along with our Account Manager have discovered some long lingering holes that need to be plugged. Nothing major, but nevertheless, we need to fill the holes. Some of the uncovered issues are: communication, processes and specifications for developers. It is not enough to get the projects done, but we need to do it right and right on spec.

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