Dear Business Owners, Team Leaders and Information Officers;
I am not just a developer. I am a developer who can blend in with a team, lead a team and be part of a team. Continue reading My Cover Letter
Dear Business Owners, Team Leaders and Information Officers;
I am not just a developer. I am a developer who can blend in with a team, lead a team and be part of a team. Continue reading My Cover Letter
Failure is an opportunity to find an alternate way of finding success.
Dig deep, learn from the events and change.
Through change, you can overcome failure.
Change brings failure or success; it is a 50% wager.
Evolve, learn and morph with every failed attempt and eventually you will find success.
I have been asked a few times for resources and tips for a new Project Manager, Team Lead, Manager of Development type position.
My tips are a generalization as I can pull out more resources for certain situations.
1. Have an open door
2. Don’t tell your team everything that you know. Be selective
3. Be positive in all your dealings
4. Lead by example. Do not ask your team to do anything you would not.
5. Speak clearly
6. If a developer says it will take a week, say two. If a developer says a month, say 6 weeks. Always buffer time.
7. Be real with expectations
8. Be kind, not too strict, but strict enough
9. Careful planning of project details
10. Listen to those above you and below you. You will learn stuff from everyone.
11. You are not the end all be all.
12. Fight for those who deserve it, help those who need it
13. Stay Organized
14. Meet with your team weekly with an agenda, so everyone can be prepared
15. Know what your superiors want from you
16. Know your place
17. Make sure you keep developing
18. Code reviews are a must, even yours ( can be fun for the team )
19. Earn your trust, trust your team
20. Know each team member’s strengths and use them. You cannot be everything to everyone
21. Failure is always an option – learn from each failure and success
22. Reflect on everyone project as there is always something to learn
23. Find a mentor or mentors – they can be good sounding boards
Online Resources
Books to Read
Project Management in a Week By Mark Brown
Survival is Not Enough By Seth Godin
Made in Canada Leadership By Amal; Morissette, Francoise Henein
My Blogs
Remember: Have fun or you will not like it. Take time off – you need breaks.
A leader is a person who helps drive a group of people to a set goal. A leader can drive the group of people to disaster or success. It is in the qualities and attitudes that success or disaster can occur. A person who operates in the capacity of leadership is not doing it for the money or larger office; although those are often part of the reward.
What is leadership?
Qualities & Attitudes
Leadership is slowly being lost in companies around the world. As the current generation of leaders leave their positions, companies are scrambling to fill the positions. It is very important that current leaders mentor and guide their successors prior to retiring or leaving the company. Successor-ship is task a leader must take on in order to keep the team successful.
Canada seems to have world-class leaders that are sought worldwide. It is important that we keep the cycle of leadership going; especially in Canada. Are you the next leader? We have a great source of entrepreneurship in our youth; are they our next leader? Are you ready to lead and help create new leaders?
There are plenty of tasks a person could do in their first two weeks as a new Project or Team Manager. I have isolated some of the more important tasks that need to be addressed in the first two weeks of starting the new position. Mind you these can vary depending on the size of team and the discussions with your new superior.
Delegation is a tough skill to master. Many mangers have trouble delegating tasks to employees because they have trouble giving up control. A good manager knows their strengths and the amount of work load they can handle without stressing. A good manager also knows their employees strengths. Use those strengths to your advantage. Through the art of delegation, you can harness the skills you don’t have and reduce your stress by reducing your work load. Delegation of tasks does not mean you are no longer responsible for the task, it only means that you are now managing. You are still responsible for quality of the work done by the person you delegated the task to. You still deserve credit for getting the work done, the only difference is you should be sharing the credit with the people who helped you.
Tips for Delegating Work