Andrew Pallant – A Strategic Leader in Engineering


In the dynamic landscape of technology, effective leadership is crucial for driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and achieving organizational goals. As a Vice President of Engineering, I have had the privilege of witnessing Andrew Pallant’s remarkable journey—a journey that exemplifies technical excellence, strategic vision, and unwavering commitment to customer success. In this article, we’ll explore Andrew’s impact, his role in shaping engineering teams, and the principles that guide his leadership.

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Have an Idea – Let Us Talk

Do you have an idea? Let us talk!

Many people have ideas for a website, blog, forum or new software to make their life and business processes better. Often, people do not know who to contact or how to go about getting their ideas accomplished. Sometimes, people are afraid that by telling someone their ideas, someone may steal the idea. Everyone needs someone to help them and to trust with their ideas.
Continue reading Have an Idea – Let Us Talk

2014 Flash Back

2014 was a great year and I look forward to great and wonderful things in 2015.  The year was filled with lessons, opportunities and friends.  I cannot say much was wrong with 2014.  New adventures, opportunities and friends is what I hope for, but whatever the new year brings will be great with y’all!

Here is a little review of my year, but by no means is the complete 2014 adventure.

I hope everyone has an awesome year and I hope to do coffee with some of you!

Continue reading 2014 Flash Back

Giving Back

It is important to give back to the community in some way. Your community may vary from other people’s, but it is a great way to create awareness of charities you believe in, your company’s good deeds and create balance and fun for your employees. Giving back also shows your employees the importance of supporting local charities and groups. Continue reading Giving Back

More Than Meets The Eye

There is more than meets the eye with me. On my resume it is majority Microsoft skills. Microsoft is used more than open source because that is what my work and customers demand from me.  Can I do more? Yes! I have experience in a lot of open technologies such as PHP, MySQL, Python and more. I do use these technologies, but not often Continue reading More Than Meets The Eye

Websites Responsive to Screen Size

I own a desktop, laptop, iPad and an HTC Android phone. Each device has a different screen size. I had never tried my website on the iPad and the Android phone until after the DIG 2011 conference in London Ontario. Jeffery Zeldman and Derek Featherstone spoke on the importance of having your website visible on multiple devices and this struck home to me. Continue reading Websites Responsive to Screen Size

Driving to Your Goals

Monday night at London Western Toastmasters, I gave a speech about getting the momentum going. It was geared to getting used to speaking, getting in front of the club and practicing. I had equated it to driving a 5 speed transmission car. When we start looking at our goal, we are stuck in neutral. Continue reading Driving to Your Goals