Balancing Onshore and Offshore Engineering Teams


In today’s globalized world, many companies leverage onshore and offshore engineering teams to optimize resources and maximize productivity. However, striking a balance between these teams and ensuring their success can be challenging. As a VP of Engineering, I’ve learned a few strategies that can help.

Balancing Onshore and Offshore Teams

  1. Clear Communication: Establish clear communication channels and regular meetings across all teams. This ensures everyone is aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.
  2. Defined Roles: Clearly define each team’s roles and responsibilities. This helps avoid confusion and task overlap.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity: Understand and respect the cultural differences within your teams. This fosters a positive working environment.
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Crafting a Successful Software Development Roadmap – A Guide for Product Managers 


As a product manager, one of your key responsibilities is creating and managing the software development roadmap. This strategic document serves as the guiding light for your development team, outlining your product’s vision, direction, and priorities over time. But how can you ensure your roadmap succeeds with developers and the business? This blog post explores best practices for planning, engaging, measuring, reviewing, and communicating your software development roadmap. 

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Secure Software Development Life Cycle – Best Practices 

Security has become a paramount concern in the rapidly evolving world of technology. As developers, we must ensure our applications are secure from the ground up. Here are some best practices for a secure software development life cycle (SDLC): 

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5 Essential Elements for a Successful Software Roadmap

Creating a successful software roadmap is akin to charting a course for a ship. It guides the team toward their goals, ensuring they stay on track and reach their destination. For engineers, a well-crafted roadmap is essential to meet targets efficiently. Let’s explore the five key elements that contribute to a successful software roadmap:

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Importance of Building Internal Tools

I recently sat through a few meetings where we described doing the same thing many times and in the same way. I was seeing a pattern that could be automated. Since seeing a pattern, I began to think about tools I could build that would replace these repetitive multiple step processes.

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Personal Branding

Andrew Pallant - LdnDeveloper
Andrew Pallant – LdnDeveloper
I am not a marketing person, but I do believe in personal branding. How I display myself professionally in my networks is who I am. My personal branding is consistent throughout everything I do so that people have something to tie myself to. It is remember able and I know this because people have told me the know me through my personal branding. Continue reading Personal Branding

Simple MVC AJAX GET Method

MVC makes doing AJAX calls simple.  As I have said before, I do not like the AJAX controls and methods that the Microsoft ships with the MVC platform.  I prefer to create my own AJAX methods instead of posting a AJAX form.  I find I can get better control and I can create tighter rules around elements of importance.

The one thing I learned early is when doing a Get Method, you need to ensure that you give permission to the AJAX call to return JSON by adding the following to your JSON return object:


This is an easy example of how to use your basic jQuery with your MVC Controller.

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Have an Idea – Let Us Talk

Do you have an idea? Let us talk!

Many people have ideas for a website, blog, forum or new software to make their life and business processes better. Often, people do not know who to contact or how to go about getting their ideas accomplished. Sometimes, people are afraid that by telling someone their ideas, someone may steal the idea. Everyone needs someone to help them and to trust with their ideas.
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The Story of C# Meeting AngularJS

Most of you already know that I still like my WebForms. People have argued that using AngularJS with WebForms is pointless, but I say NA! It makes the user experience a little bit smoother.

In this blog I will show you how to create a table that can be sorted and paged using AngularJS. I chose not to use a webserivce as I did not feel like this warranted the extra overhead and code. I wanted to keep this absolutely simple. I would have used a webserivce had I been creating an API for others to use. This is also a project that is ultimately using WebForms, had I been doing an MVC project; webservices would have been a better choice.

Is this the best way; probably not! This is my first run with this, so I am doing it the way I know and the way I find the easiest to manipulate for my purpose.
Continue reading The Story of C# Meeting AngularJS