Embracing Fractional Careers: A New Approach to Hiring and Job-Seeking

Finding a new position in today’s challenging job market can be daunting. However, a fractional career can provide the solution you’re seeking. This concept, famously used for CTOs in growing companies that need a CTO but lack the budget for a full-time hire, can be extended to other positions in the tech field. This blog delves into the benefits of fractional careers for both job seekers and hiring managers.

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The Power of an Internal Employee Portal: Boosting Engagement and Retention

Effective communication, seamless collaboration, and engaged employees are critical for organizational success. Enter the internal employee portal—a versatile platform that revolutionizes the way companies operate. In this blog, we’ll delve into the benefits of an internal employee portal, explore key modules to enhance its functionality, and provide actionable strategies to boost engagement and retention.

What is an Internal Employee Portal?

An internal employee portal serves as your organization’s digital nerve center. It’s a secure, private website that acts as a centralized hub for communication, collaboration, and information sharing among employees. Think of it as your company’s virtual headquarters—a place where everyone can access resources, documents, news, and tools, regardless of their location or role.

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Navigating the Challenges of Engineering Projects: A Guide for Business Leaders

I have been reviewing project efficiencies from the past to see where I was successful and where I was less successful. In addition, I have been studying for my Green Belt in Lean Six Sigma certification, and now I am trying to apply some of what I have learned to past roles and projects. Sometimes, a smaller continuous change approach ( Kaizen) is required, as personalities sometimes resist change from historical practices. Smaller continuous changes may take too long to see results, but sometimes, the only option is to work within your box ( try-try-again as much as you can ).

Let’s Talk About It…

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Guide to Decision-Making Using Data Analytics

Data analytics has emerged as a cornerstone for informed decision-making in the dynamic business world. Integrating data analytics into business operations can significantly enhance an organization’s strategy’s efficiency and effectiveness.

The Imperative of Data Analytics in Business Decisions

In today’s data-driven environment, the ability to analyze vast amounts of information is invaluable. Data analytics provides insights that lead to better decision-making and strategic business moves. By leveraging data, companies can predict trends, understand customer behaviour, optimize operations, and outperform competitors.

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Evaluating SaaS Products: A Comprehensive Guide for Leadership

As businesses increasingly turn to SaaS solutions for their operational needs, it’s crucial to understand how to evaluate these products effectively. This blog post will guide you through the process.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud-based software distribution model where applications are hosted by a service provider and made available to users over the Internet. This eliminates the need for users to install and maintain software on their infrastructure, resulting in reduced costs and increased scalability.

Understanding SaaS Architecture

When architecting a SaaS product, several considerations must be made. These include choosing a technology stack guided by your product’s current and future requirements. It’s about finding the right balance between leading-edge technologies and proven frameworks. Aspects like scalability, maintenance, and community support should influence your decision.

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Using Patterns to Gain Work Efficiency

This blog is part two of the information session I would have provided the support team on Tuesday. Part One was yesterday’s post about using Basic SQL syntax to help with our day-to-day work. Part Two is about using patterns to gain work efficiencies. This is probably the most important part of the session that I was going to conduct, as it can be used to gain efficiency and job satisfaction. Pattern identification is how my spider brain works when I am given a task to do. This would have been a great interactive session, but this is the best delivery now. Please feel free to reach out to me for 1:1 coaching opportunities, and I will be happy to review what you are working on and see if we can find efficiencies together.

Identifying Patterns in Our Day-to-Day Work Life

Identifying work-life patterns involves observing recurring events, behaviours, or tasks. These could be anything from your most productive tasks to those that take up most of your time or even how specific meetings or interactions tend to go.

When I am doing a task, I tend to ask myself these three questions:

  1. Have I done that task before now?
  2. Does this task have repeatable components to it?
  3. Is there a tool that I can utilize to make this task more efficient?
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SQL Basics

Today, I am writing this blog because I did not have a chance to conduct the SQL training with the support team yesterday before I departed for a new adventure; I feel like I owe it to them to give them something. This is part one of the training session. This part is about SQL basics. Part two is about using patterns to gain efficiencies in your day-to-day work. Let’s start with part one: SQL Basics.

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Unleashing the Power of AI for Business Success

Staying competitive is paramount in the rapidly evolving business landscape. One way to ensure this is by harnessing the power of AI. This blog post will delve into how we can use AI to simplify tasks, make decisions, organize our day, and conduct research. I will also discuss the potential risks associated with using AI and how to mitigate them.

Simplifying Tasks with AI

AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing our time to focus on more complex issues. But how does this work? AI tools like Taskade, Todoist, and TimeHero use algorithms to handle data entry, respond to basic customer inquiries, or sort and categorize emails. These tools learn from the data they process, improving their performance.

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A Guide to Customer Success in Fintech

As a technology leader in the fintech industry, I’ve observed that the key to a successful fintech platform is its ability to serve and retain its customer base. In this blog, we’ll delve into what fintech companies can do better, the factors that influence customer loyalty, and the expectations customers should have from fintech companies.

Serving the Customer Base

Fintech companies can enhance their service by focusing on personalization and convenience. By leveraging data analytics, fintech platforms can offer personalized financial advice, product recommendations, and targeted marketing campaigns. Additionally, by offering 24/7 customer service and user-friendly interfaces, fintech companies can provide the convenience that today’s customers demand.

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What is Jira Query Language (JQL)?

Jira Query Language (JQL) is a text-based query language used to extract specific data from the Jira database. Jira is a swamp of tickets that can weigh you down in the mud of ambiguity, but JQL can help you navigate once you know the syntax. With JQL, you can create structured queries to retrieve the desired issues based on various criteria.

Why Is JQL Essential?

  1. Search for Issues: Use JQL to search for issues based on project name, issue type, status, assignee, priority, and more.
  2. Operators and Functions: JQL supports a range of operators to compare values, combine conditions, and perform text matching.
  3. Agile Project Management: JQL is particularly valuable for agile teams, as it maintains clarity and alignment among team members and stakeholders.
  4. Quick Access to Information: JQL enables quick access to relevant information, allowing you to focus on essential tasks.
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