Andrew Pallant – A Strategic Leader in Engineering


In the dynamic landscape of technology, effective leadership is crucial for driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and achieving organizational goals. As a Vice President of Engineering, I have had the privilege of witnessing Andrew Pallant’s remarkable journey—a journey that exemplifies technical excellence, strategic vision, and unwavering commitment to customer success. In this article, we’ll explore Andrew’s impact, his role in shaping engineering teams, and the principles that guide his leadership.

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Importance of Building Internal Tools

I recently sat through a few meetings where we described doing the same thing many times and in the same way. I was seeing a pattern that could be automated. Since seeing a pattern, I began to think about tools I could build that would replace these repetitive multiple step processes.

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New Year is a Time to Have a Retrospective

New Year is a time to reflect on the passing year. If you are like me; you will have experienced many changes and challenges throughout 2019. I like to take time every January to reflect on the passing year and make goals and challenges for myself. One way to reflect is by using the retrospective idea used in agile software development processes. Continue reading New Year is a Time to Have a Retrospective

Enhance Your Technology Career By Learning To Speak

Have you ever had a customer, co-worker or manager look at you as if you had two heads? When an IT Professional, speaks it is very important that who we speak to understands what we are saying. You cannot sell an idea, explain an issue or develop a project plan if you who you are speaking to does not understand. The use of jargon is the biggest obstacle that IT Professionals face. Continue reading Enhance Your Technology Career By Learning To Speak

What I Have Learned

I graduated college in 1996.   This was a great year for me.  I moved home where I was fed and loved by my family.  I worked for a small software company doing Visual Cobol who went bust.  I was a hard worker and never said no to an opportunity.  When the company went bust, I worked at a local concrete factory until I got into a factory automation job.   Now I am where I am and boy did I learn a lot.  Some of what I learned is from making mistakes and some I learned by mentors and leaders in my life. Continue reading What I Have Learned

IT Professional and Communication Skills

It is a well-known fact that Information Technology professionals are often lacking skills in the communication department. Almost every job posting lately had stated you must have good Oral and Written communication skills. This was not me; at least until recent. I was always the guy standing by the punch bowl or snack table with hands in the pockets that said “HEY” as people walked by. IT professionals often confuse colleagues, friends and customers with their acronyms and tech-lingo – I was one of these people. Then I was pulled out to a Toastmasters meeting. Continue reading IT Professional and Communication Skills

New Year – Fresh Start

2012 is a new year and for many, a fresh start.   I see 2012 as an opportunity to do something new, start fresh on other items and a chance to turn a new leaf.  Often, your colleagues, bosses and friends whom known you for a long time and will not allow you to turn a new leaf; Do it anyways!   Push forward in making yourself a better person this year.  Do not let others hold you back.  This is your chance to rid yourself of bad habits, learn something new, implement new ideas and grow as a person. Continue reading New Year – Fresh Start