Balancing Innovation with Legacy: Choosing the Right Path for the Greater Good

As solutions architects, we often find ourselves at the intersection of innovation and legacy. We’re constantly faced with choices that can lead us toward modern, elegant solutions or the well-worn road of tried-and-tested approaches. A few years ago, I encountered this crossroad when I was asked to lead a Fintech project requiring me to convert a legacy Windows-based platform written in VB.NET to a new web-based solution. The timeline? It was a challenging seven months, with a high-stakes presentation at a major industry conference on the horizon.

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My Favourite Tool

My favourite tool goes wherever I go. I keep it beside the bed, and it is the first thing I put in my suitcase or backpack. My favourite tool knows more about me than anything or anyone else. It carries my thoughts, my dreams, my annoyances and my happiness. My favourite tools never need to be charged. My favourite tool, my wife says I have too many of them.

My favourite tool is a notebook and a fountain pen.

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Podcasts I Follow

These are the Podcasts I follow and listen to most often. They range from business, design and general interests. They are not ranked in an particular order, but my favourite is James Altucher and Jordan Harbinger. I would challenge everyone to listen to one or both of these regularly. Continue reading Podcasts I Follow

Using FitBit as a Software Developer

Confession: I am a Software Developer and I do not move much.

My wife had gotten a FitBit and was loyally using it. She offered to let me where it for a day which I did not do, but rather I told her that I am pretty certain I walk at least 10,000 steps a day easily ( FitBit suggested target ). She had purchased one for me and boy was it an eye opener; I was very immobile. In a given day I was lucky to get between 3,000 and 4,000 steps in a day and that is while walking two blocks to the car. Continue reading Using FitBit as a Software Developer

My New Favourite Quote – Applies Nicely To My Week

S3/E06 (37:01): “Well, Conny, there are snakes that go months without eating. And then they finally catch something, but they’re so hungry that they suffocate while they’re eating. One opportunity at a time.” (Don Draper)

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All The Small Things

All the small things are often forgotten. In software development we are taught to take a large problem and break it down to its smallest component. Often as software developer we can make a daunting task less complicated by following the smallest component rule. This is the same in life. Did you know life can be broken down to its smallest component? Continue reading All The Small Things

Getting Out Of My Comfort Zone

I have often lived in my own little bubble as most technology-geek-type people do.  I hardly stepped out, stretched myself and joined the world outside.  In the last little while I have had the opportunity to expand my world and I took it.  I was asked to attend a networking function with a friend.  I had probably met a half dozen professionals from various disciplines.  Again this week an opportunity arose where by offering to help pay for a website renewal, I had the opportunity to hide in my bubble and pay with PayPal or go hand deliver the money and meet someone new;  I chose to meet someone new. Continue reading Getting Out Of My Comfort Zone