SEO Analysis – Turning a Large Ship Around

Sometimes it is like turning a large ship around; SEO can be hard to turn around if the site is degraded.  You need time and room to work.  Most importantly you need to have a plan.

I have been working very hard for one of my clients to turn their site around.  There is no budget for any SEM; so it is purely site structure and other basic SEO practices.

I began with some SEO Analysis using several free tools, some code, speed and structure reviews and some client interviews of where they would like to take it.

Continue reading SEO Analysis – Turning a Large Ship Around


SEO – Mobile – Web – Social Media –

These are technologies and concepts that need to be utilized in everyday business life. Just because you have been doing the same thing for the past dozen years does not mean it will work for the next dozen years. You have a story to tell and SEO, Mobile, Web and Social Media are the concepts and technology that can help you bring life back to your story. Continue reading Cha-Cha-Changes

Social Media Workshop – January 2013

These are the slides from my workshop that I gave on January 12, 2013. We had a good group of questions and all sorts of wonderful questions.

Before I got started was asked:

Question: “I am a lurker…How do I filter out the noise?”

My Answer: “You do not have to follow everyone. Create lists that of people that you are interested in. Check that list daily. If you are graphical type person or you like a newspaper; there are services like “” that will read from a list and create a newspaper.
Continue reading Social Media Workshop – January 2013

Using Social Media in Toastmasters Clubs

Recently I had lead a Social Media workshop. Specifically what social media is and how to us it your clubs.

Social media can help in your recruiting processes, education processes and in basic communication to members and non-members.
Social media can help with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as it creates more back-links to your site, creates more dynamic
content and keeps everything fresh and new.

The biggest challenge is the age gap. Social media is often used and used best by the younger generations. It is good to use
social media because to attract the younger generation as this keeps the balance between the “Old Guard” which has the experience
and the “New Blood” which gives the clubs a future.

Continue reading Using Social Media in Toastmasters Clubs

Development Team Relationships

This week I pushed out some old blogs outlining the relationships between senior and more junior developers. I did this because I thought it was very important to listen to each other. We can all learn from old and new experiences. Continue reading Development Team Relationships