Are You Everything That You Can Be

Upon personal reflection, I realized that I could be more.  I have been putting my time and energy into the wrong things.  Watching TV, internet surfing and generally mucking around.  This weekend I spent hanging out with my one year old son, watching the Jack Layton state funeral and reading a library book: Made in Canada Leadership.   I suddenly feel inspired to do something different.

Are you everything that you can be?  Not yet, but I am going to work on it.   Will not happen over night, but I will certainly aim for it.  I decided the first step is to understand what is happening in London by setting my PVR for the council meetings.  A little education will help.

Now ask yourself the same thing:  Are you everything that you can be?  You cannot be everything overnight, but you can strive for it as a personal goal.

How to deal with a non-technical boss

We have all had bosses at one time or another that we had to deal with who was not technical in nature.  Often we find it frustrating because we do not speak the same language and we do not know how to deal with each other.   We as the employee can take the first step in understanding each other.

How to Speak?
You need to transform your speech into a language that your boss will understand.  Knowing full well that your boss will not understand tech terms, programmer’s language or computer-speak; an alternate language is required.   It is a bit of an art to transform your speech into something else.   My father-in-law does it very well, but I am still learning.   I like the idea, if my wife has trouble understanding it; it may be too techie.  It is best to learn business terms that mean the same as tech terms.   You also need to shed the technology details and implement business details.  Chances are the non-technical boss will not care how it is done, but they will care about timelines, money and training.

How to Process?
Your non-technical manager will throw out business terms.  They will tell you what they want using their business language.  They may try to throw out some tech terms, but often they will use them incorrectly.  The best approach is to make notes, and ask questions.  Forget how you will go about accomplishing the task, but instead find out the details of the requirements.

Example:  If they say they need a calculator to calculate how much to ship a box, ask questions like:

1. How is it done now?
2. Ask about rounding rules?
3. Ask if they do it by weight or size or both?
4. Ask if there is a matrix of postal codes?
5. Where do they get their rates?

Remember; they really do not care how you will program it.  They just want it usable and for it to function correctly.  Take your notes and ask your questions.   Take everything back to your office and transform the details into a project and programming plan.  Write out the formulas, draw out your user interface and write out your timelines for approval.

How to Act?
Do not get frustrated.   Remember they are just as confused by you at you are of them.  It is not their speciality to be technology.  Treat them as a customer; it will help you respect them.  Make lots of notes and repeat back to them what you hear.  Use non-offensive language and body gestures.  Sometimes drawing pictures will help both parties to understand.

What is Leadership

A leader is a person who helps drive a group of people to a set goal.   A leader can drive the group of people to disaster or success.  It is in the qualities and attitudes that success or disaster can occur.   A person who operates in the capacity of leadership is not doing it for the money or larger office; although those are often part of the reward.

What is leadership?

Qualities & Attitudes

  • Functions as servant to the group to which they are leading; not for oneself.
  • Positive attitude, even in adversity
  • Has a sense of humor
  • Can lead without being a dictator and without being buddy buddy
  • Humble in their abilities, but knows and has faith their abilities
  • Knows how to set direction and knows when to change the direction of the sails
  • Confident with themselves and their leadership
  • Is decisive when making decisions
  • Ability to listen to others
  • Strong communication skills
  • Willingness to learn and delegate according to the tasks at hand.
  • Must be able to influence their team
  • Must be able to challenge current processes

Leadership is slowly being lost in companies around the world.  As the current generation of leaders leave their positions, companies are scrambling to fill the positions.  It is very important that current leaders mentor and guide their successors prior to retiring or leaving the company.  Successor-ship is task a leader must take on in order to keep the team successful.

Canada seems to have world-class leaders that are sought worldwide.  It is important that we keep the cycle of leadership going; especially in Canada.   Are you the next leader?   We have a great source of entrepreneurship in our youth; are they our next leader?  Are you ready to lead and help create new leaders?

What Can Social Media Do For You

Keep Your Website Content Fresh
Social media in the form of blogging is a great way to keep your website fresh with new content.  Blogging can be in the form of video (podcast), text, audio or images.  It is always good to keep fresh relevant content to entice your audience to come back.  If your audience notices that your content is stale and unchanging, they simply will not come back.  Blogging will also keep you sharp and current, because you are thinking; this in turn will help you generate new ideas.

Drive People To Your Site
Using Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and other live feed sites, will help you drive traffic to your on-line presence.  These sites tell your audience when something new is happening within your company, community and when you publish new content on your website.  Twitter keeps you focused on your message to your audience due to its 140 character limit.

Market Research
Using social media, you can collect information about what people are talking about ( trending ).  You can watch, ask questions and monitor trends.   Twitter allows you to search for trends, get live data, create lists and organize.   Using sites like Hootsuite and TweetDeck, you can monitor more than one social media outlet.  By organizing your live feeds, you can keep your more relevant data at the forefront.

There is so much more to Social Media, but it is mostly in how you use it.  It can distract just as easy as be a positive tool.  You must decide what you need at the end of the day and keep your focus.  Do not allow yourself to get sucked into social media overload and addictions.  By keeping your focus, you can empower your web presence and drive people to your office, storefront and website.

Importance of Downtime

Everyone always say they are too busy for time off.   Some people say that you should not have as much time of as you do.  If I did not take my vacation that I am allowed, I could not be as productive.  Some of my best creativity and thoughts come as I am off on vacation.   Yes;  time of means no work, but I still take a notepad with me.  I am constantly writing down ideas and drawing out user interfaces.  It doesn’t matter if I am laying at the beach or  relaxing at home, there is always a notepad beside me.  It is downtime that helps my creative juices be released.  Everyday while I am at work, I am too busy to do anything other than what needs to be done; there is no time for creativity.

Downtime is also good for balance.   You need time away from the stresses and time with the family and friends.  It is important to do things that take you out of the ordinary routine of your busy life.  Today I took my family to the Toronto Zoo.  The smiles and giggles were unending and the memories will carry me into the next month easily.  The family grounded me and brought me back to state of normality.

Can you keep working everyday for an entire year with a week off?  Not likely  a person; who works 9 – 5 or more in a 6 – 7 day per week in a job will never be productive, friendly, patient or creative.  You need the break; you really do.  In the computer field, you should have a minimum 2 -3 weeks off; 3 – 4 is ideal as you have put your years in.  If your company tries to deny you a proper break or vacation,  you may want to re-think your priorities.   You need the balance and a chance to recharge your brain and energy.  

When applying for a job; vacation has been a sticking point for negations.  I believe I need 3 – 4 weeks and would rather compromise on other items.   I have been a developer since 1996, and I do a great job, but I need my vacation.  I need the balance and so do you.  Take your breaks, ask for your vacations and live a more balanced life.

Downtime equals productivity and happiness

Creativity and Love Flows in London

London Ontario boasts creativity and cutting edge ideas with companies like rTraction,, Echidna and many others.   These companies are bleeding edge when it comes to employee management, project management and their technologies and methodologies.   I have seen many good things come from these companies and believe London Ontario should be applauded for its support in the technology sector.

Between foosball, MeetUps, OpenData and the UnLab activities, these companies share a bond, that only the technology world can understand.   These companies together will put London Ontario on the same playing field with other technology centres of Ontario, Canada and the rest of the world.  Socially London tech companies are more advanced.  They see the trends and move with and ahead of them at a rapid pace.

I have also noticed a new trend of technology companies in London also getting actively involved social causes, like reforesting, helping homeless, helping students, garbage clean-up and much more.  These people and organizations love London, they love Ontario and they love Canada.  Even politics tend to be a centre point of beliefs and passions for employees and leaders of the tech community.

Now, I have mentioned the tech companies, but it is not without the employees, will these companies advance on to the world stage.  The employees are the heart and soul of the companies that support the leaders of these companies.  These employees are independently trying new ideas and concepts through the support of their employers. These people are truly amazing with their talents.  London has some of the best technology employees around.

Aaron McGowan, is another person to be watching who makes up our community.  Aaron is a champion for OpenData which is a moving trend with our local governments to share data with the development world.  He is full of passion to have more data open to everyone to use and develop software freely.

Applaud the tech community, join in the social movements and hug a geek today.   It is not without each other can we move forward to do even greater things.

What are you bringing to your team

Every team has a slacker.  Your team can be at work, on the rink, ball diamond, or your marriage.  Are you the slacker?   Why are you the slacker?  Are you listening to people other than yourself?

Everyone has the ability to listen to themselves, but are you listening to others.  If you are not listening, you are probably not contributing to your team fully.   Your team needs you.   It is not about your needs ( well may be a little ).   If you make it more about your team, you will be a better person and team player.

There are various reasons that you may not be bringing enough to your team:

  1. You may not be aware.  Try listening
  2. Your skills may not be up to snuff. You know how to learn – so do it.
  3. You are bored.   Really?   Learn something new.  Try something new.
  4. You are lazy.  Sorry, I cannot help you with that.   Look in the mirror and see if you can live with it.
  5. You do not respect your team member(s).  Why not?  Figure it out and resolve it.   Everyone has a different personality, learn the good things about that person(s)
  6. You are too quiet… sit up and use your voice.
There are many more reasons and solutions to the reasons.   You need to evaluate your position within the team.  If you are not pulling your weight or not being 100% to your ability, you are letting yourself down and your team.

Who Is Andrew Pallant

I was recently asked the question “Who Is Andrew Pallant?“.   Although I am Andrew Pallant; I find this question very complex and complicated to answer.   One must reflect ever so often to rediscover who you are and what you are doing.   As I was caught off guard by the question, I had to pause and think.  This was hard.  Can you answer the question freely?

Here is a series of questions to ask yourself:

  1. Who is <>?
  2. What am I doing?
  3. Am I adding value to my life?
  4. Am I adding value to others?
  5. What are my current goals in my personal life and professional life?
  6. Am I completing my goals?
Here is my answer that I had given to the person who asked: “Who is Andrew Pallant?“.

Andrew is a proud father of 2 children.  I am a confident person who works hard.   Whenever I am given a task or take on a task, I give 120% of myself.  I never take short cuts.  When I manage or lead a team, I am firm, fair and open to new ideas.   I do not like to miss deadlines, but if I do, there must be a really good reason.   I am friendly, generally fun, and always sincere.  When I am on a team, I listen to others, and try to learn from them.  I am continuously learning and listening as I believe no one can know everything.   

Now I am currently reflecting on who I am and what I am doing.   I am making sure that I am the best that I can be.   After reading this blog, you may want to read:
At the end of the day, be true to you and be the best you can be.