Social Media Workshop – January 2013

These are the slides from my workshop that I gave on January 12, 2013. We had a good group of questions and all sorts of wonderful questions.

Before I got started was asked:

Question: “I am a lurker…How do I filter out the noise?”

My Answer: “You do not have to follow everyone. Create lists that of people that you are interested in. Check that list daily. If you are graphical type person or you like a newspaper; there are services like “” that will read from a list and create a newspaper.

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Andrew Pallant (@LdnDeveloper) has been a web, database and desktop developer for over 16 years. Andrew has worked on projects that ranged from factory automation to writing business applications. Most recently he has been heavily involved in various forms for ecommerce projects. Over the years Andrew has worn many hats: Project Manager, IT Manager, Lead Developer, Supervisor of Developers and many more - See more at: